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Dumfries and Galloway Woodlands initiative offering £1,000 grants to support tree planting
Dumfries and Galloway Woodlands project officer McNabb Laurie

Grants of up to £1,000 are available for tree planting across the region.

And the newly formed Dumfries and Galloway Woodlands initiative is now administering the South of Scotland Tree Planting Scheme.

The funding source aims to help support the small scale planting of native trees across the region.

Dumfries and Galloway Woodlands is a new, not-for-profit organisation established to support trees, habitats and people and is supported by a range of partners including The Woodland Trust and Borders Forest Trust.

The new project officer is McNabb Laurie – previously team leader of the Galloway Glens Scheme.

He said: “Dumfries and Galloway Woodlands is set up on a proactive basis to seek to support habitat improvements and to respond to emerging opportunities amidst the challenges.

“The South of Scotland Tree Planting Grant Scheme is a perfect example of how people can deliver biodiversity and landscape benefits that will benefit future generations. If you are thinking of planting some trees this winter, please do get in touch.”

Full details about the tree planting Grant Scheme are available at

For further information or an application form, contact McNabb on 07538 798837 or on [email protected].

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