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Decision on whether Dumfries and Galloway schools will close during strike action set to be made
(Image: western mail)

Council education chiefs will decide this week on how to handle the forthcoming strike by school support staff.

The local authority said it had learnt lessons from the previous industrial action when all schools in the region were closed with less than 24 hours’ notice given to parents and carers in September.

School support staff who are members of Unison will take strike action on Wednesday of next week in a dispute over pay.

A council spokesperson said yesterday: “We will take some time to evaluate whether or not our schools and early learning centres can safely stay open, or whether we’ll need to close as a result of planned strike action on November 8.

“Taking into account lessons learned from the last round of strikes, and as our schools return from holiday on Monday, October 30, our position will be determined and shared immediately afterwards with parents and carers, of arrangements in relation to any potential closures or disruption.”

The local authority was heavily criticised for its handling of the last strike action when non-teaching staff, including learning assistants, kitchen, cleaning, janitorial and administration workers, walked out for three consecutive days.

Education director Gillian Brydson apologised to parents, carers and councillors for the department’s handling of the situation.

Parents were furious when they were told at lunchtime before the first day of the industrial action that all schools would be closed.

The previous week they had been informed that some would remain open at the discretion of head teachers.

South Scotland MSP Colin Smyth said: “The council’s handling of the last school closures was an utter shambles and we cannot see a repeat this time.

“No other council in Scotland left it so late to inform parents of closures or treated their staff with such contempt by failing to honour national agreements on working from home.”

He added: “If these strikes go ahead, I’ll be on the picket line listening to our lowest paid workers. But I know they don’t want to be on strike.

“Even at this late stage, I’m urging the Scottish Government to intervene to properly fund a pay deal so there is no need for any school closures.”

First Minister Humza Yousaf stepped into the argument last week and insisted no more money is available.

He said: “There is no more funding, I’ve been really clear about that.”

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