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Dark Light
Torthorwald's Cruck Cottage offers dark tales by firelight for Hallowe'en
Dumfries historian Tom Hughes will be sharing Hallowe’en tales

Dark tales by the light of the peat fire in Dumfriesshire’s historic rare former home is tonight’s Hallowe’en offering at Cruck Cottage, Torthorwald.

The evening gathering in the atmospheric building will feature stories of ghosts, boggarts, graveyards, encounters with the devil, and more.

The cottage is the only remaining example of a basic dwelling that was very common in the 18th and 19th century.

It is now looked after by volunteer members of the Cruck Cottage Heritage Group who have carefully restored and maintained it – providing an insight into the living conditions of a different era.

They are looking forward to showing visitors around the rare impressive thatched, lime washed and earth-floored A-listed building at this Hallowe’en treat which is free from 7pm to 8.30pm – although places need to be pre-booked online via Eventbrite.

This is a traditional themed event and is suitable for adults and children over 12.

The heritage group charity is suggesting visitors make a donation of £5 per person to help with the future upkeep of Cruck Cottage.

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