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When will Mercury be knocked down?

CLARITY is being sought about the timeline for the demolition of Moffat’s Mercury Inn.

The eyesore building, owned by Equorium Property Company Ltd (EPCL), was approved for demolition by Dumfries and Galloway Council last week and the community are eager to see the work carried out as soon as possible.

Speaking at Tuesday’s meeting of Moffat and District Community Council, long-term Mercury campaigner Mick Barker said: “I would like to think that this is the end of the beginning.

“The next stage is for it to be demolished but there is also a third party involved now, as Nature Scot have to be involved in the removal of the bats within the hotel, and I don’t know how long that will take.

“Then what’s left behind after it’s been demolished, has to conform to building regulations and if it’s going to be a car park it’ll be subject to parking regulations too.

“I have requested a timetable for the demolition work, so far in the last 23 years there has not been any sort of timetable so I for one would feel more comfortable if we have a timetable to refer to.

“However, it’s positive to see that they have done something.”

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