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Spitfire move now unsure

UNCERTAINTY still hovers over the future of the Moffat Spitfire project.

The £400,000 project was announced back in April, and would have seen a lifesize replica of a PT 462 Spitfire moved from the garden of long-time Moffat resident Dr Hamish MacLeod to a manicured installation within the grounds of Dowding House.

However, there has been little progress on the project in recent months after residents of Dowding House voiced their opposition.

The spitfire project was raised again at Tuesday’s meeting of Moffat and District Community Council (MDCC) by a member of the public.

In response to questions, community councillor Leys Geddes said: “The fact of the matter is the people at Dowding House and the RAF Association (RAFA) aren’t entirely happy with the idea of having the spitfire within the grounds, despite a previous agreement between Hamish and RAFA back in 2016.

“Hamish would love to see his spitfire within the grounds of Dowding House because he truly believes in Dowding and what he did and he believes in his spitfire.

“There is an on-going exchange of letter between Hamish and RAFA, but we have to respect the wishes of residents.”

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