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Preparations already under way for 2024 Borgue Potato Day
Rachel Lucas and Anne Bannatyne at this year’s potato and seed swap day

It may only be early autumn but Borgue Potato Day organisers have already set the tattie rolling for the 2024 planting season.

A total of 66 varieties of seed have been sourced from which growers can select their preferences over the coming weeks.

Order forms are being circulated and need to be returned by Friday, November 24.

A spokesperson for the annual grow your own event said: “Borgue Potato Day is a celebration of all things potato. But the big hope is that folk who have never grown veg at all will give a spud a go – and those that have grown them before will try some different varieties.

“And we’re pleased to confirm that we have 66 varieties of seed potato available for you to choose from this year. We are mixing popular favourites with new modern varieties as well as heritage, organic varieties and some interesting ones such as Blue Annelise and Heidi Red.”

She added: “Potatoes are so easy to grow, and they can be grown in all sorts of spaces – allotment plot, veg patch or simple patio pot.

“They are such a great way to help folk grow more of their own veg.”

Anyone interested in finding out more can email [email protected]

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