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Moffat views on windfarms to be heard

RESIDENTS of Moffat and the surrounding area are being invited to share their views on windfarm development locally at an event this week.

The Save Our Hills Moffat campaign group are holding an informal ‘round table’ on Tuesday night from 7 pm in the town hall.

A spokesperson explained: “Members of the community are cordially invited to come along and talk about their own perspectives – positive and negative – on the proposed windfarm developments. We want to hear from local people, young and old alike, whose voices have perhaps not been heard.

“We have also invited those involved with key local/regional projects, such as the Dark Skies, Wild Lands and Eagle groups, so that the potential impacts of the windfarm proposals can be better understood.”

It has been organised ahead of a second public meeting on the same subject, which will take place in St Andrew’s Church on November 8.

That is being co-ordinated and hosted by Moffat and District Community Council and will feature representatives from developers and Save Our Hills both giving presentations.

There will also be a question and answer session.

The community council were asked to organise such a meeting after objectors attended their September session to voice strong opinions about the proliferation of windfarms in the Annandale hills.

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