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Guided tour of distillery

SOUTH Scotland MSP Colin Smyth has praised Moffat Distillery after he visited the newly opened attraction.

Mr Smyth, who is the deputy convener of the Scottish Parliament’s Cross Party Group on Scotch Whisky, said: “The site is a real asset to the town and looks set to become a popular tourist hotspot, while of course also producing excellent spirits.

“With a keen interest in what is Scotland’s biggest export, I have visited many distilleries across the country but it was really interesting to learn more about the wood fired stills which are unique to Moffat.

“You just have to look at the success of other distilleries across the region such as Annandale and Bladnoch to see that there is a real appetite out there for locally produced whisky. Every distillery has a unique story to tell, and product to sell, but all of them help boost the local economy.”

He is pictured right with founder Nick Bullard.

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