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Former reporter set to launch first poetry book in Dumfries
Andy Murray wrote The Magician’s House after winning the Fresh Voice award at the Wigtown Book Festival

A former reporter will launch his first book of poetry in Dumfries next Thursday night.

Andy Murray, who worked for the Standard as a freelance in the late 1980s, wrote The Magician’s House after winning the Fresh Voice award at the Wigtown Book Festival.

The launch event will take place upstairs at the Coach and Horses pub in Dumfries at 7pm on Thursday, November 2.

Andy, of Cummertrees, said: “At 68, I’m hardly fresh, but I only started writing again after I retired two years ago. I get my inspiration from the social and natural history of the Solway area, the legends and the myths, and I chuck in a bit of humour and philosophy.”

Andy was a journalist for 23 years before jumping the fence into mental health nursing.

He added: “Both jobs offer a wealth of anecdote, both comic and tragic.”

The Magician’s House is available from Drunk Muse Press for £10, including postage and packing.

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