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Dumfriesshire tenant farmers' pumpkin patch pulling in the visitors
Farmers Stuart and Chloe Graham, with son Angus

Dumfriesshire tenant farmers Stuart and Chloe Graham took a gamble last year on bringing families onto their 366-acre Uppercleuch farm on the Applegirth Estate near Lockerbie.

Planting hundreds of pumpkins paid off when families flocked to enjoy the October experience of picking their own for Hallowe’en and enjoying a feast of activities put on by the young couple, who had taken occupancy less than year before following a rigorous tendering process.

It was the start of their ambitious plans for their first farm tenancy which include opening it up for public experience days to offer residents and visitors an insight into the workings of a successful livestock farm – and help promote education both of sustainable food production and ways to encourage more people into farming.

Pumpkin picking at The Patch

Pumpkin picking at The Patch

The move followed seven years of building up stock numbers on rented and seasonal ground,

And after the success of The Patch last October, they planted 800 pumpkin plants at the start of June which – for the second year running – is pulling in the visitors.

The ambitious pair, who have a young son, Angus, and another on the way next month are thrilled that families have come back and there are plenty of new faces too who are keen to make memories with their children in a fabulous setting.

Chloe said: “Inviting the public onto our farm has been a passion of ours, and what better way to do so than with pumpkins for Hallowe’en.

Dress up fun

Dress up fun

“We have limited parking so it means we are not a massive enterprise and visitors have told us they like that and it makes them feel special because they are not constantly queueing and get to try everything.

“Anyone who comes has to pre-book and then they have such fun picking their own pumpkins and enjoying some of the farm yard activities we have created so there are things to do both inside and outside.

“It has been really good so far with the weekends fully booked and busy through the school holidays.

“We are still open until October 31 and places are available through the pre-booking system via Facebook or Instagram.”

Chloe added: “We have plenty of ideas for the future, including another barn, and it looks like The Patch is going to be a seasonal event now. Stuart also wants to start lambing days to encourage the public to come and see that aspect of farming life.”

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