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Dalbeattie Men's Shed members enjoy trip to Dumfries Model Flying Club
Five members of Dalbeattie Mens Shed enjoyed their visit to Dumfries Model Flying Club

Members of Dalbeattie Men’s Shed were recently invited for a free model flying session as guests of Dumfries Model Flying Club.

Five Men’s Shed members attended and had a go at radio-control model flying for the first time, under the guidance of experienced model flyers, using the club’s dual-control transmitters.

The principles involved were explained to the visitors and club members also demonstrated the many different types of model aircraft.

The visitors thoroughly enjoyed their visit and were surprised that the hobby
was much less expensive than they imagined.

Further visits are planned, hopefully including some Dalbeattie Men’s Shed members who were unable to attend on the day.

Model flying clubs share a similar ethos and many of the same social benefits as the Men’s Shed organisation.

Both provide a forum and a catalyst for social interaction and the sharing of common interests, knowledge and skills between its members.

The various back-room skills involved in aeromodelling also lend themselves quite readily to the facilities and activities of the Men’s Shed workshop-based meetings.

Anyone who is interested in taking up the hobby can request a free trial flight at the Dumfries Model Flying Club, and information about both organisations can be found on their respective websites at and

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