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Show will focus on nightjars

A NEW exhibition depicting the life and challenges of nightjars will open at Gracefield Arts centre this week.

Well-known fine art landscape photographers Ted Leeming and Morag Paterson’s Nightjar Residency have spent long nights photographing the rare bird in the remote Lochar Moss peat bog.

Now Ted and Morag will hold an exhibition entitled ‘Much Ado About Nightjars’ from October 14 to November 11 at Gracefield Arts Centre, which will offer insights into the lives of the nightjars in one of their few Scottish habitats.

They will also be among the key contributors to the Artful Migration Conference on October 20 at the Easterbrook Hall, as part of the Wild Goose Festival.

Morag said: “The story of the Lochar Moss nightjar is, at least in Scotland and the UK, a positive one with numbers increasing.

“We believe that residencies like this can make a real difference – because artists can work with conservationists and communities in distinctive, imaginative and unusual ways that allow people to see the issues affecting our wildlife and environment from entirely new perspectives.”

For more information about the nightjar exhibition or the Artful Migration Conference visit:

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