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Dumfries dad wants to feed "under financial distress" families over Christmas
Lee Vann-Wakelin and daughter Liberty (Image: Bobby Geddes)

Dumfries dad Lee Vann-Wakelin is on a new festive mission to feed 350 local families over Christmas.

He has launched a fundraising appeal to raise more than £10,000 to provide hampers with enough food for five days.

Lee, 47, a learning assistant at Dumfries High School, said: “Each one will cost £30 to create for a family, with costed meals.

“Each family will receive a box with ingredients and cooking instructions; then a bag with frozen foods and a bag with fridge items and, finally, all of the fresh vegetables.”

He added: “Our aim is to feed 350 families under financial distress for five days over Christmas 2023 including a three- course Christmas dinner.

“As each meal can feed up to five people, that’s up to 2,100 individuals and 10,500 substantial meals to help.”

Last year, helped by his wife, Louisa, and children – Lincoln, Jaydon, Kennedie, Miyah and Liberty – volunteers and public support, Lee managed to raise enough funds to provide a seven-day food hamper for 250 underprivileged families in the town.

And the previous year he helped 150 families through Christmas appeals.

The new appeal aims to raise £10,500, before everything can be sourced and packed and then distributed to families, via support agencies, before December 25.

This time the meals include creamy imperiale pasta; sausages, green beans and mash and a full traditional Christmas Day dinner.

Lee said: “The families being helped will be sourced via community groups, church groups and similar charitable organisations – not by us.

“We will be dealing with all of the same agencies as last year, plus lots of schools.”

He added: “We are appealing for help in raising the money needed to buy all the ingredients.

“Everyone can be assured that 100 per cent of all donations go to buying the food, with any admin, transport, lifting and shifting, collecting and distributing all coming from a growing list of volunteers and helpers.

“All cash donations are logged publicly for all to see on our Christmas Gesture 2023 Facebook page and can by made to the bank account via Santander, account number: 78462411, and sort code: 09-01-26. It is £30 for a hamper or £6 pounds for a meal but we are happy to receive anything you can afford.

“I also have a list of the ingredients that we need and the cost for 350 of each item, in case any companies or individuals wanted to sponsor an item that would feature in all hampers, with their name added to a Christmas card placed in each hamper. I can be contacted by anyone on [email protected] for any further information, or texted on 07581366702.”

Lee has already had pledges of help from Tesco Peel Centre, Morrisons, Iceland and DC Fresh Produce in Dumfries, while Samuel and Kate Patterson have promised to donate all the potatoes needed.

In addition, people can help by dropping off donations of vegetable stock cubes, salt, pepper, boxes of tea and any form of Christmas chocolates or biscuits as an extra for the appeal to the Dumfries Mens Shed, 1 Cresswell Gardens, DG1 4RY, any Monday, Wednesday or Friday between 10am and 1pm.

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