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Dumfries and Galloway Scottish Poppy Appeal officially launched
Dumfries Provost, councillor Maureen Johnstone, and members of the Dumfries and Maxwelltown British Legion Scotland branch, volunteers and civic dignitaries (Image: Ronnie Galloway)

Fundraising in Dumfries and Galloway for the annual Scottish Poppy Appeal was officially launched in the foyer of the Loreburne Centre on Friday.

Members of the Dumfries and Maxwelltown British Legion Scotland branch, volunteers and civic dignitaries, including Provost Maureen Johnstone, were at the launch.

Branch members and volunteer supporters will be manning the stall in the centre, near Marks and Spencer every day except Sundays until November 11, to allow people to buy purchase poppies and assorted decorative metal badges.

Money raised from the appeal helps thousands of Armed Forces personnel, veterans and their families every year on issues including homelessness, financial support and mental health.

The region usually raises between £18,000 to £20,000 for the appeal with poppies in shops, schools and other outlets.

The iconic pin on poppy used for remembrance has been given a make-over this year by PoppyScotland and the new version is completely plastic-free and able to be recycled.

It is made from paper and will no longer have a single-use plastic stem or centre, after three years of work to make it economical, sustainable, and less impactful on the environment.

The plastic-free poppy will be available alongside remaining stocks of the old one to reduce any waste.

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