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Strong National Park bid on cards for Galloway

GALLOWAY is preparing to make the strongest possible bid after nominations opened this week for Scotland’s next National Park

The Scottish Government has asked areas that believe they should have National Park status to put forward a detailed application by next February.

The successful bid – or possibly bids – will be unveiled next summer and the country’s third National Park should be up and running in 2026.

And campaigners locally believe Galloway is the natural choice.

The area has been pressing the case for a new National Park for six years and has run a highly active campaign to explain why it is the ideal location.

Rob Lucas, chair of the Galloway National Park Association (GNPA), above, said: “We are preparing to make the strongest possible bid for Galloway.

“We strongly believe that the region, with its magnificent rolling hills, mountains, moors, rivers, lochs and long coastlines is the ideal location and will offer visitors a very different experience to the existing National Parks.

“It will also open up a wonderful, and economically fragile area in the south of Scotland to sustainable regeneration through tourism and other business development while protecting some of the country’s most beautiful countryside for the future.”

He also noted the “tremendous support” from the public, business, MPs, MSPs and council.

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