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Stewartry bin collections missed due to staff shortages
Paul Goodwin with his bin and others waiting for collection (Image: Bobby Geddes)

Staff shortages have been blamed for Stewartry bin collections being missed.

Red bins full of plastic and metal weren’t collected from a number of Glenkens communities, including Dalry and New Galloway, on Monday.

And on Tuesday it was the turn of communities such as Crocketford, Kirkgunzeon and Corsock to be affected.

It comes after Dalbeattie’s food waste bins, along with grey wheelie bins in some other parts of the Stewartry, weren’t emptied last Thursday.

According to Paul Goodwin, who lives in Throughgate in Dalry, householders hadn’t been told why this week’s collection was missed or what they should do with their bins – which the council now says should be put out for collection this weekend.

Mr Goodwin said: “I’ve lived here since 2007 and I think in all that time there was only one occasion when the bin wasn’t emptied before this year. It’s a big downgrade in service.

“Nobody contacted us. Nobody knows what they’re doing – if we’d been told, the bins would have been taking in, but they were sitting out on Tuesday more in hope than expectation.

“Perhaps they are going to do red bins next week which would be even worse as it would mean everyone would need to change the notes in their diaries about which bin to put out on which days and this would lead to confusion.

Bins waiting to be collected

Bins waiting to be collected
(Image: Bobby Geddes)

“This happened earlier this year.

“Additionally, it would mean the main refuse bins would be three week between collections which is also not great for large families or for public health.

“With the new fleet of bin lorries, we seem to have a much less reliable service than we had for many years with the old rusting and creaking lorries.”

This week was the third time in the past six months Dalry’s bins weren’t emptied. Blue bins were missed in August and staff shortages due to the Easter holidays led to missed collections in the spring.

Community council vice chairwoman, Michele Owen, added: “They don’t send information to anyone or say not to put your bin out so everyone leaves their bins out just incase. I think they could do some communicating to everyone.

“No one from the council seems to be telling anybody: ‘Sorry, we’re not picking up your bins for this reason, we’ll do so at this time,’ then at least everyone knows where they are.”

A council spokesman said: “Due to staff shortages the metals/plastic recycling bins in some parts of the Stewartry were not able to be collected on Monday and won’t be returned for until the next scheduled uplift for this waste type on November 20.

“A public notice was put out on the council website, which is available at”

A similar notice was published following Tuesday’s missed collections, the message adding extra side waste of plastics and metals would be collected in November.

That was later changed to say bins would be collected this weekend.

The council recently revealed it is working on back-up plans for bin collections over Christmas. If staff aren’t asked to work overtime, agency staff will be brought in. Bin collections were missed at Easter this year as no cover was provided.

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