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Rescue team in bid for new base

A SIGNIFICANT fundraising campaign has been launched by Galloway Mountain Rescue Team to help them get a new base.

Their current site in Princes Avenue, Newton Stewart is no longer fit for purpose and their vision is to relocate to a purpose built building.

Member Ross McConchie said: “We require more room for vehicles, equipment storage, a drying room, training room and control centre to ensure that we continue to give a modern and well supported voluntary search and rescue service to the public in Galloway, south-west Scotland.”

They are appealing for support and donations from the public and businesses locally, as well as holding a Christmas raffle in December.

Furthermore, a group of rescuers will be undertaking the Galloway Ring of Fire Challenge in May 2024. It will involve walking across 30 summits in the central Galloway Hills – a total distance of 44 miles and height gain of 14,100 feet, with the aim of raising £10,000.

Galloway Mountain Rescue is a voluntary organisation providing search and rescue assistance 24/7, 365 days a year. They have vehicles stationed in Ayr, Castle Douglas and Newton Stewart.

To support them, email Medic[email protected] or go to

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