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Kirkcudbright Food Festival the perfect combination of food and music
Harbour Square was buzzing all day

Food and music proved to be the perfect combination in Kirkcudbright on Sunday.

Hundreds of people made full use of the lovely weather to enjoy this year’s Kirkcudbright Food Festival.

The food came courtesy of a number of Dumfries and Galloway’s finest producers, including Disco Pig and Skippers Scran Van from West Coast Sea Products, with liquid refreshment thanks to Castle Douglas’ Sulwath Brewery and gin cocktails from Newton Stewart’s Crafty Distillery.

And there was music throughout the day on the stage in Harbour Square from seven different acts, including Dumfries’ Freya Cloy and Rhelm, a group of Stewartry high school students.

High school students Rhelm perform in Harbour Square

High school students Rhelm perform in Harbour Square

Kirkcudbright Summer Festivities organised the day, with chairman John Blaikie heaping praise on Kieran Chisholm in particular for his efforts.

He said: “At the beginning of the year I was going to cancel it as the person who used to do it is no longer with us.

“There were two or three that said they’d get a committee together and see what they can do.

“Really it was Kieran who pulled it all together, he organised it all. It was a brilliant event. He picked it up and ran with it.

Our biggest problem next year, he’s leaving us as he wants to join the ambulance service.

Disco Pig

Disco Pig

“Both the food festival and light festival won’t have Kieran so I don’t know what we’re going to do.

“The music and food combo worked well, the centre of Harbour Square was chock-a-block.

“All credit to him, he deserves all the credit.”

The last of the monthly farmers’ markets for the year will be on November 26.

It will be a Christmas fair with the festivities teaming up with Greyfriars Church.

And it’ll involve a special visitor arriving in the town by boat.

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