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Joy at health nominations

A SPEECH and language therapist and a haematology team from Dumfries are in the running for national awards recognising their outstanding contributions.

Speech and language therapist Claire Dolan is shortlisted in the Allied Health Professionals (AHP) category for her work supporting a young boy.

She said: “I was nominated by a family that I worked with, supporting their little boy to move from full time use of a nasogastric tube to full oral feeding.”

Claire Dolan

Claire’s role sees her working with families in acute hospital care and in the community, supporting children and young people who have difficulty with eating, drinking and swallowing. She added: “Their journey can sometimes be a long one and getting to know a family well is often part of the job.

“To be recognised as a key part in achieving such an important goal for a family is extremely special, and I am grateful to have been part of their journey.”

Meanwhile, the haematology team at DGRI is a finalist in the top team category.

Consultant haematologist Dr Ranjit Thomas said: “We’re immensely grateful to the patients who have nominated us for this award, just as we are to all the patients who express their gratitude for the quality of treatment and care that they’ve received.”

The Scottish Health Awards take place in Edinburgh on November 2.

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