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Dumfries granny among brave daredevils to walk across hot coals for Marie Curie
Everyone enjoyed the fun and fundraising (Image: Bobby Geddes)

Dumfries granny Sheena Gibson is so devoted to the charity she’s spent more than 40 years volunteering for, that she’d walk across hot coals for it.

And that’s exactly what the 77-year-old did on Sunday night.

Despite being registered blind, Sheena joined around 40 other brave daredevils as they took on the challenge in aid of end-of-life charity, Marie Curie.

The event, at Palmerston Arena, was organised by Marie Curie Dumfries and Galloway fundraising group.

The oldest fire walker Sheena Gibson with volunteer Emma McCall

The oldest fire walker Sheena Gibson with volunteer Emma McCall
(Image: Bobby Geddes)

Volunteer Emma McCall, said: “It was a big success that has helped to raise thousands of pounds.

“Everyone had a great time.

“Walking on hot coals had been on Sheena’s bucket list to complete by the time she was 80, so she’s managed it earlier than she’d hoped.”

Sheena, who spent 30 years working as a district nurse before going on to complete another 25 years as a Marie Curie nurse, said she “absolutely loved” the challenge and would do it again if she could.

Marie Curie provides vital palliative and end-of-life care and support.

(Image: Bobby Geddes)

In total, the charity supported more than 8,600 terminally-ill people across Scotland in their own homes and at its two Scottish hospices during 2021/22.

Amy Dalrymple, associate director of policy and public affairs, Marie Curie, Scotland, said: “Seeing and hearing first-hand stories of how living with a terminal illness and caring for someone is a sad reminder that many of us have and will encounter Marie Curie at some point in our lives.

“We know that by 2040, a further 10,000 people will be dying with palliative care

“We need to ensure Marie Curie nurses will be able to be there for everyone across Scotland who needs them.”

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