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Special celebration marks reopening of New Galloway Town hall
Barbara Barker, Ann Glaister, Councillor John Denerley, Ros Hill. Barbara holding a summary of the renovations destined for the time capsule

A special celebration was held on Saturday to mark the reopening of New Galloway Town Hall.

The building, which Local Initiatives in New Galloway took over last year, has undergone a £450,000 renovation.

To mark the occasion, a concert called A Time and a Place took place and there was also the sealing of a time capsule.

Larry Winger describes his volunteering task of bringing 150 year's worth - 30 bags - of jackdaw twigs down from the tower

Larry Winger describes his volunteering task of bringing 150 year’s worth – 30 bags – of jackdaw twigs down from the tower

The concert featured Glenkens music from the CatStrand singers and guests, Cubs and Kells Primary pupils filling a time capsule, Ian Wemyss providing a drum roll and cymbal crash every time something was placed in the time capsule.

Among the items placed in was Larry Winger’s poem The jackdaws’ Legacy. Larry had removed 150 years’ worth of twigs from the clock tower.

Avril Bridgeman, right, describes New Galloway of old, about to be hidden away for 50 years

Avril Bridgeman, right, describes New Galloway of old, about to be hidden away for 50 years

Rose Ardron put in Write Down, featuring Covid lockdown experiences in Galloway, and Barbara Barker and Avril Bridgeman put in items related to New Galloway’s past, with Ann Glaister offering an illustrated account of the refurbishment.

Work at the hall has included installing a lift and disabled toilets, maintaining the 150-year-old clock and restoring the Victorian moral maxims.

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