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Moffat fire station has a newly-installed fundraising clothing donation bank

Dumfriesshire fire stations are appealing for support from their communities to fill clothing donation banks.

Annan, Lockerbie and Moffat stations have received collection banks from The Fire Fighters Charity which supports serving and retired members of the service.

The charity’s successful clothes recycling scheme is in partnership with fire and rescue services and textile recycling companies across the UK.

It helps raise funds to continue its vital health and well-being support work.

The three Dumfriesshire stations are encouraging residents to think of them when they have a clear out and donate anything that is in a good condition and clean so that it can be recycled.

The donation banks will receive adult and children’s clothing, socks, coats, underwear, paired shoes, handbags and linen.

The charity has stressed that people shouldn’t put items such as bric-a-brac, plastic, toys or electrical items in the collection points.

If anyone turns up at a station and the clothing bank is full they are urged not to leave the clothes beside the bank or anywhere else on fire station grounds.

Instead they should call the phone number displayed on the textile bank to report that it is full and then return two or three days later to try and make the donation.

The donated items are collected by recycling partners and wearable clothing is re-used – usually sold in under-developed countries.

Any textiles that are unwearable are recycled into such items as industrial wipers and car upholstery and also reused in the production of many other items.

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